Local SEO

The Top 5 Benefits of Local SEO

The Top 5 Benefits of Local SEO

Connecting Businesses with Local Customers In today's digital world, having a strong online presence is essential for all businesses. While global visibility is undoubtedly important, local SEO plays a tremendous role in ensuring that your business connects with its...

Why SEO in 2020?

Why SEO in 2020?

SEO is still one of the best strategies to drive traffic to your websites. It can make up the lion's share of your web traffic across most industries which leads to more conversions. How does SEO compare to other marketing avenues? Over the years, SEO has consistently...

Should you pause your marketing during the quarantine?

Should you pause your marketing during the quarantine?

As we’re sure you are aware, the California Department of Public Health released a statement suggesting COVID-19 containment practices asking that, until the end of March, people avoid large gatherings and venues where they can’t stay more than 6′ away from each other. Since then, businesses have been pausing all operations. But should they pause their marketing as well? We think not.

What are retargeting campaigns?

What are retargeting campaigns?

Only 2% of the first time visitors to your business website will immediately buy a product, order an ebook, subscribe to a newsletter, join a campaign, etc. For the rest of the 98% of your potential customers, you need to have retargeting campaigns.   What are...

How to find Local SEO Success in 2020

How to find Local SEO Success in 2020

Initiating a digital marketing journey can be a struggle for any local business. How can you effectively reach the local community and the local prospects online? Here are some successful tactics to conquer local SEO in 2020!   What is a local SEO strategy? The...