CRO Strategies for E-commerce

Any online business should be aware of the importance of conversion rate optimization strategies.

How are conversion rates determined? Divide your website views into conversions- subscribing to newsletters, asking for quotes, making purchases, and more depending on your goals.

Let’s go over basic strategies and how we can help you generate as many conversions as possible!

Spruce Up Your Website

You only have a few seconds to make a good first impression. Your landing page, on top of loading as quickly as possible, should give customers an immediate idea of who you are.

Your product listings should be clear. Customers should find information with ease with the help of pictures, detailed descriptions, and customer reviews. Follow up with intuitive ways users can navigate your website with calls to action and de-cluttered pages.


Now, it’s time to assess your website behind the scenes. A CRO audit consists of figuring out your customers’ actions.

Do they add items to the cart only to leave at the last minute? There may be an issue with your checkout process. Do they switch between pages very quickly? Your layout might be confusing.


Use this data to figure out what works and what doesn’t.

You should do a technical analysis to ensure that the user experience is error-free in browsers and on various mobile devices, for example.

Implement A/B testing to determine your best approach. Use different strategies for a random number of viewers and stick to the one that generates more conversions. For instance free trial periods versus free quotes.

Rinse and Repeat

These are very basic CRO strategies. There are a ton of additional steps you can take to help your e-commerce website, but if you follow these three you’ll definitely see an increase in sales.

Want to know how we can help you? Contact us today!