Five Clever Ways To Attract More Customers Online

someone making an online purchase
People go online to solve their problems, connect and be entertained, and your business might provide the solutions they need. To get your services and products to reach more customers, go where people spend most of their time, online. Your business needs a powerful and smart online presence.

Here are the top five methods to attract more customers online.

1. Optimize your website for SEO

Online marketing should start with the optimization of your website for relevant keywords. The aim is to build excellent content, design, and to put your website on the first page of people’s internet search results. Not sure how to do it? Ask our experts who live and breathe the art of SEO.

2. Add value to your website with content marketing

Build a blog or a news section on your website, where you can share high-quality and relevant content for your customers. The blog helps to:
  1. drive traffic by piquing the interest of search engines;
  2. create authority for your business in the industry;
  3. develop a relationship with your customers.

The biggest challenge of content marketing is to be able to promote your products or services while showing genuine interest in serving your customers’ expectations. Our experts in digital marketing will know how to keep this balance!

3. Be creative on social media

Three out of four younger consumers base their purchasing decisions on social media content, most precisely on Instagram posts. Therefore, you cannot afford to overlook social media channels to attract more customers.

  1. Use the visual power of social media to promote your business;
  2. Social media’s engagement focus helps you better interact with customers.
  3. Contests, sales campaigns, giveaways, viral photos or videos on social media, all create a positive perception of the brand and bring more people on your website and in your store.

4. Use the power of subscriptions and email marketing

Subscriptions and email marketing boost your relationship with customers. Research shows that subscriptions and email marketing make clients return to your shop, buy more, and help your business in predicting revenue. However, do not try to sell at every corner and turn – connect, build trust and only focus on selling afterward.

5. Build consumer trust through crowd-sourced review platforms

People trust people, not businesses that they do not have direct knowledge of. Use follow-up emails or your website to encourage your customers to write reviews about their experience with your company on platforms like Yelp. More reviews equal more chances for potential customers to learn about your business and choose to become your customer.

Common Questions

What specific strategies can be used to optimize a website for SEO?

To optimize a website for SEO, businesses should focus on several key strategies. First, selecting the right keywords is crucial; these should be relevant to the business’s products or services and frequently searched by the target audience. Tools like Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush can help identify effective keywords. Next, improving the website’s design and user experience is essential, ensuring it’s mobile-friendly and fast-loading, as these factors significantly influence search rankings. Additionally, creating high-quality, relevant content that addresses the needs and questions of the target audience can enhance visibility and engagement. Incorporating internal links to guide visitors through the website and obtaining backlinks from reputable sites can also boost SEO performance. Regularly updating content and ensuring all technical aspects of SEO are covered, like proper use of tags and a clean URL structure, further optimize a site for search engines.

How can businesses measure the effectiveness of their content marketing?

Measuring the effectiveness of content marketing can be approached through a variety of tools and metrics that help businesses understand the impact and return on investment (ROI) of their content strategies. Key performance indicators (KPIs) to track include web traffic, engagement rates (such as time spent on pages and interaction rates), and conversion rates, which measure how effectively content leads to desired actions like sales or sign-ups. Tools like Google Analytics provide detailed insights into how visitors interact with content, including which pages drive the most traffic and keep users engaged the longest. Additionally, social media analytics can offer data on how content performs across platforms, indicating levels of engagement and sharing. For a more comprehensive view, businesses can also track the SEO impact of their content, observing changes in search engine rankings and organic search traffic. To effectively assess content marketing, it’s crucial to set clear goals and continuously monitor these metrics, adjusting strategies as necessary to optimize results.

What are the best practices for encouraging customers to write reviews on crowd-sourced platforms?

Encouraging customers to write reviews on crowd-sourced platforms can be managed effectively with a combination of timing, tact, and incentives. The best practice is to send follow-up emails shortly after a purchase or service experience, while the experience is still fresh in the customer’s mind. These emails should be personalized and express genuine appreciation for their business, subtly reminding them of the positive experience they had. To increase the likelihood of customers leaving a review, the request should be straightforward, providing direct links to the review platforms to make the process as easy as possible. Additionally, businesses can consider offering small incentives, like a discount on a future purchase or entry into a contest, as a thank-you for customers who take the time to write a review. However, it’s crucial to ensure that these practices comply with the guidelines of the review platforms, which often have strict rules against soliciting reviews in exchange for rewards. By implementing these strategies thoughtfully, businesses can enhance their reputation and visibility by accumulating authentic and positive reviews from their customers.