5 Website Mistakes Costing You Clients

poor web traffic stats

If your website isn’t generating the leads and sales you’d hoped for, it may be due to some common website mistakes. Many business owners come to Runningfish, a top web design and digital marketing agency, seeking help to revamp their underperforming websites. After years of experience, we’ve identified the five biggest website blunders that can cost you clients.

Avoid these pitfalls, and you’ll be on your way to a website that truly works for your business.

1. Poor Web Design

Your website is often the first impression potential clients have of your brand. A poorly designed site that lacks visual appeal, brand cohesion, and professionalism can immediately turn people away. Some telltale signs of bad web design include:

  • Cluttered or outdated layouts
  • Low-quality images and graphics
  • Lack of consistent branding elements
  • Sloppy or unclear copywriting

At Runningfish, we take a strategic approach to web design that ensures your site accurately represents your brand values and resonates with your target audience.

2. Not Mobile-Responsive

Over half of all web traffic now comes from mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. If your website isn’t optimized for these smaller screens, you’re providing a frustrating user experience for a huge portion of your potential clients.

Runningfish designs all websites to be fully responsive, automatically adapting to provide the best possible experience on any device.

3. Content That Doesn’t Convert

Your website content needs to do more than just describe your products or services – it should compel visitors to take action and become customers. Bland, generic copy that fails to address your audience’s specific needs and desires won’t inspire anyone to buy from you.

Our content strategists work closely with you to craft persuasive, SEO-optimized website copy that connects with your prospects and guides them toward conversion.

4. Lack of Digital Marketing Strategy

Even a visually stunning, well-written website won’t generate leads and sales on its own. You need an overarching digital marketing strategy to drive qualified traffic to your site and nurture visitors into paying customers. This includes:

  • Search engine optimization (SEO)
  • Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising
  • Email marketing
  • Social media marketing
  • Content marketing (blogs, videos, etc.)

Runningfish takes a full-funnel approach, developing customized digital marketing campaigns to continuously attract new prospects to your website and move them through the buyer’s journey.

5. Poor Security

Nothing kills a website’s credibility and conversions quite like security warnings. If visitors see browser messages indicating your site isn’t secure, they’ll likely abandon it immediately – taking their potential business with them.

At a minimum, every website today needs an SSL certificate to encrypt data and provide that essential security badge. Runningfish ensures your site meets all security best practices so visitors feel safe engaging with your brand online.

If your website is suffering from any of these mistakes, it’s time for an overhaul. The expert team at Runningfish can conduct a comprehensive website audit to identify areas for improvement, then design and develop a high-performing site backed by a strategic digital marketing plan.

Don’t let a flawed website cost you leads and sales any longer. Contact Runningfish today to discuss elevating your online presence and driving more clients through the door.

Common Questions

What are some examples of effective calls-to-action for converting website visitors into leads/customers?

Crafting compelling calls-to-action is crucial for converting website visitors into actual leads and customers. Some proven tactics include using active voice and strong verbs that create a sense of urgency and motivation like “Get Started Today” or “Claim Your Free Quote Now.” It’s also important to highlight the key benefits the user will receive through clear messaging like “Increase Your Profits With Our Software” or “Save Time & Money – Contact Us.” Offering something for free like a consultation, trial, or downloadable guide can further incentivize action.

Ultimately, calls-to-action should make the next step in the process abundantly clear through easy-to-spot design elements like contrasting button colors and strategic placement. Testing different call-to-action variations is wise to see which resonates best with your particular audience. With the right calls-to-action strategically implemented throughout your website, you can effectively guide interested prospects further down the sales funnel.

How can small businesses on a tight budget implement some of these website best practices?

For small businesses operating with limited funds, there are some cost-effective ways to start implementing website best practices yourself. For design, use a drag-and-drop website builder like Wix or Squarespace to create a modern, mobile-responsive site without coding expertise. Prioritize crisp, authentic photography and clear branding elements. Write compelling content yourself or outsource affordably to freelance copywriters.

To optimize for search engines, research relevant keywords for your industry and location, and naturally incorporate them throughout your site content. Claim and complete business listings on Google, Facebook, Yelp, and other relevant directories.

Set up a basic email marketing tool like Mailchimp to capture leads and nurture them with automated campaigns. Leverage free options like Google’s Web.Dev auditing tools to identify and fix security/performance issues. While professional assistance provides the most seamless, strategic solution, dedicated small business owners can make significant strides in achieving website best practices on a bootstrapped budget.

What is the future of web design and digital marketing? Are there any emerging trends to be aware of?

The worlds of web design and digital marketing are constantly evolving alongside new technologies and consumer behavior shifts. Some key emerging trends businesses should keep an eye on include voice search optimization, as virtual assistants like Alexa and Siri become more integrated into customer journeys. AI and machine learning are also being leveraged for hyper-personalized user experiences, predictive analytics, and automation of certain marketing tasks.

Augmented and virtual reality are creating new interactive frontiers, while progressive web apps aim to combine the best of website and mobile app experiences. Increased prioritization of accessibility, inclusivity, and core web vitals like load speed are shaping design principles as well. On the marketing side, shorter video content, nano-influencers, and creative ad formats across evolving social platforms are taking center stage.

As customer expectations rise, the future points towards more seamless omnichannel experiences unified across devices and channels. Staying attuned to new web design and digital marketing advancements will be key for businesses to remain innovative and competitive.