Beginner’s Guide to Website’s EAT

Those with SEO experience know that there are many aspects to how well a website will rank. One of the many things you should consider is the website EAT, also known as the website’s expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness.

You will find that the best-performing websites on Google have high degrees of EAT, but what exactly does this mean?

What You Need to Know

Since there is no EAT algorithm, there is no such thing as an EAT score. Instead, EAT is determined by Google’s human search evaluators.

How your website performs is determined by the type of content you provide, whether it’s YMYL (“Your Money or Your Life”, which could influence a person’s safety, health, financial stability, or happiness) or non-YMYL content.

Furthermore, user-centered websites also do better in terms of EAT as opposed to those who are constantly trying to push products.


In terms of YMYL content, you should always provide formal expertise. Everyday expertise is also acceptable for non-YMYL content. For instance: a doctor describing oncology treatments VS a cancer patient with real-life experiences.

Authoritativeness and trustworthiness are both relative. For YMYL content, make sure the information comes from a leader in the industry. A vehicle expert is not an authority on nutrition, for example.

Use transparency, accuracy, and legitimacy to prove trustworthiness by providing sources, up-to-date contact information (e-mail address, physical address, phone number), and outlining who is responsible for the published content. If you publish non-YMYM content, contact information is not a must.

How to Improve Your Website’s EAT

Here are a few factors to keep in mind:

  • Add author information
  • Have a dedicated page for your team<
  • Add sources
  • Have strong, relevant backlinks


There’s no doubt that you should improve your SEO by keeping EAT in mind. You’ll be able to boost engagement by showing your audience that you’re going the extra mile to provide trustworthy content.

In the process of doing so, you’ll also rank higher on Google.

That’s where we come in! Contact us today for help with your SEO strategy!