Giving websites a CDN boost before going back to school

It’s back to school time, a good moment for businesses to run marketing campaigns and put their websites through some heavy traffic. We love to pitch in and help in any way we can, so we’ve got great news for you: as of last month, all websites hosted by Runningfish are loading 40% faster!

This service comes at $30 /month, but we wanted to show our appreciation to all our current clients and give them this boost for free for a year!


How did we do that? Well, we have a service called CDN.

The Content Delivery Network (CDN) is an add-on that, once correctly integrated, improves the visitors’ experience by boosting your website’s loading and navigation speed.


How does it work?

If your website is hosted in one region of the world and the majority of your clients are viewing it from another part of the world, they will experience lots of buffering, even though your analytical tools might report fast speeds based on our default test location.

People’s attention span is shorter than ever, which is why you must ensure a reliable connection to all your prospective clients, no matter where they are. That way, they will stop scrolling because they are interested in what you offer, not because they’re frustrated with how long it takes for your site to load.

As you can see below, CDN solves that through Points of Presence (PoPs) or data centers that are situated around the world. Each PoP has thousands of servers that accelerate the speed at which content is delivered to the end user.

Users worldwide have reported:

  • Faster loading times for desktop and mobile website visitors
  • SEO advantages – With a faster website, Google and Bing can scan and promote quicker and with more efficiency.
  • Better security & DDoS protection – Having your website on a secured network of servers used by major brands increases the speed of detection.
  • Better conversion rates/sales – With users having a faster experience, they will feel more comfortable working with your company.
  • Overall better site performance – Spreading the load onto multiple networks allows the website to run at full capacity.


Do you need a back to school boost? We support education.

To support young entrepreneurs and education in our local community at the beginning of the new school year, we would like to offer a 30% discount for any of our services to teachers and students, along with internship opportunities.

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